Friday, March 15, 2013

Fragile. Handle with Care.

Made my bed. My accomplishment for the day. 

"So take a new grip with your tired hands and stand firm on your shaky legs. 
Mark out a straight path for your feet. 
Then those who follow you, though they are weak and lame, 
will not stumble and fall but will become strong."
Hebrews 12:12-13

It is spring break for me so in other words, the week before everything is due. Next week, I have three tests, a quiz, a project and a paper due. Oh, and I have to read Frankenstein – the 1818 text. (I’m two-thirds into that and it actually is wonderful. I highly recommend it.)

I also started a new job this week and already put in over 30 hours in 4 days. Yesterday, I was up at 5am to make sure I had enough Jesus time before leaving for work at 6:30 (not that I can have "enough"). Then I worked for ten hours. I already love it and the girls I work with. I’m surrounded by coffee and people who love Jesus. It doesn't get better than that. (Come see me – CafĂ© One Eight downtown Lancaster City)

Tomorrow I have plans from 7:45am – 10pm. And they are fantastic plans, but it’s a full day. Then Sunday I have plans most of the day as well. 

The point of all of this - LIFE IS FULL.

But today, today I have the day off. Zero plans. In my mind, days off are supposed to be full of success and crossing things off my to-do list (which is kind of long at this point).

Instead, today is one of those days where accomplishment equals being out of bed by 10am. I even made my bed (see above for proof). I deserve a cookie. Or you know 3 leftover peanut butter heath bar cookies with my pot of coffee.

Breakfast – check.
Get dressed – maybe later.

Why?! Why do I feel like this? Complacent. Apathetic. Unmotivated. These feelings are so ugly to me and they’re making me feel worthless. I’m tired. I’m spent. Physically, emotionally, socially, financially, even, sigh, spiritually. I have nothing else to give. I am my harshest critic; isn't that how it usually goes? I am so frustrated with myself. Why can’t I just be stronger, try harder, work more efficiently?

I just looked over on my couch and something fell out of my Bible from my quiet time this morning. It’s one of those cards that has the meaning of your name. It says Brittany – “Strong”. I can’t help but roll my eyes. Seriously?

I’m not usually good at admitting weakness. In all honesty, I don’t think of them as weaknesses. I merely have “unhoned” strengths. Ha. I am realizing that I have weaknesses. I have limitations. I have imperfections. 

My first thought - "Oh dear God, take away my weakness and my frailty!" Paul's thought - "So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may work through me. Since I know it is all for Christ's good, I am quite content with my weaknesses...For when I am weak, then I am strong." (II Corinthians 12:9b-10)

I am weak. There, I said it. I am so very fragile. Merely human, made of dust (Psalm 103:14). God knows this; He understands my every weakness. So does Jesus - firsthand in fact (Hebrews 4:15). And because of this, we can approach the "throne of our gracious God" boldly, where we will receive mercy and grace to help us when we need it.

So this is my prayer today and everyday. 

"Heavenly Father, I admit my weakness. I am frail and feeble. I cannot do anything through my own power. I relinquish control. I need your strength to shine through the cracks of my brokenness. I am desperate for your grace and your mercy. Oh dear Lord, drench me in your love. Renew me. Rejuvenate me. My hope is in you and you alone. Grant me the joy of your presence and the pleasure of living with you and for you. Help me be content in my weakness and boast in your power alone. In the name of my precious Savior, Amen."

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Wind in your Face & Joy in your Heart.

"Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you...Stand firm...and be strong in your faith. Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering you are. In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, He will restoresupport and strengthen you, and He will place you on a firm foundation. All power to Him forever! Amen."
I Peter 5:7-11

I love to run. I love wind. Put them together and, ehh, not so much. Maybe it’s just my imagination, but ever since I have faithfully started running again, the wind has been out to get me. At one point about a month ago, it was about 6° with wind chill. Even so, I wrapped myself up in layer after layer after layer and went outside. Go ahead, call me crazy - I may or may not do it on occasion.

After a few miles in, I was miserable. Ridiculously miserable. What was I thinking? My were arms pumping as close to me as possible to produce warmth from friction and my scarf was wrapped around my mouth and nose. My head was down to protect my face from being blown off by the wind. My eyes were glaring at the ground as if it was the pavement’s fault I was freezing my butt off. My thoughts were wrapped around my selfish despair. I was completely focused inward.

Then for some reason I decided to look up. The wind whipped at my face, taunting me. Before I lowered my head back down, I glanced to the sidewalk across the street. It was bathed in sunlight. What was I doing?! Here I was, so caught up in myself and my misery that I didn't even notice that not twenty feet away was warmth and some relief. I literally sprinted across the street and stuck my face in the air and smiled as I felt the rays of light dance on my face.

And then it hit me. Yes, it was still the wind, but something else too. I began thinking about how often in life I focus on the negative aspects of people or feelings or circumstances. I wrap myself up in my pain and I nurse my wounds. I stare inward and reflect on my problems. All the while, I am moving blindly. Aimlessly. Miserably.

What if I stopped thinking about myself for one second and looked up instead? Would I not see a Son much brighter, much stronger? Would I not be filled with relief and warmth? I would be in the light; able to see where I was going. The wind will still be there, we were promised troubles and trials. But Jesus also promised that He cares for us and He will take our burdens and our worries if we let Him. 

Not only are we promised problems, but we are told to consider it pure joy. I'll say that again. That metaphorical harsh wind whipping at your face right now - you should be rejoicing for it. Why? Because the testing of our faith produces perseverance, which produces strong character, which produces a confident hope of salvation. And this hope will never lead to disappointment. (See James 1:2-4 & Romans 5:3-5).

Face your wind & Stand firm.

          Don't give up [but] Look up. 


You are growing stronger

You are growing more confident

You are growing in the Son and that is an incredibly beautiful thing

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Your Father Is Excited About Your Future!

Me & Daddy Then

One of the best gifts I received for my birthday this year came in my favorite form - words. Surprise! My dad is infamous for the e-cards he sends my siblings and me (at least the five out of seven that aren't living at home). No, seriously, ask any of them. It's his thing and I love it. It is so special, because he even tries to get as many thoughts into the total amount of allowed characters. He uses the super cool shorthand and all that fun stuff. (My mom secretly revealed that he sits and sits in front of the computer trying to figure out how to condense his words. Time well spent in my opinion! Sorry for calling you out, mom!) But, seriously, sometimes it takes me a few minutes to try and read his "language." (I love it, dad! It's like a game)

Anyways, you get the picture.

My birthday comes and shockingly - I get an e-card from my dad. (He may or may not have first sent one to my brother thinking it was his birthday instead - which is tomorrow. But who can blame him when he has 7 of us to keep track of! I did give him a little trick to remember though - I'm the 3rd born child on the 3rd day of the 3rd month. Crazy, right?! Crossing my fingers for next year!) If you haven't noticed, I'm really liking these parentheses today!

Anyways, again.

I get towards the end of the allotted characters and my dad says, "Britt I hope you are excited about your future cause I am." There it was. My dad, the one who raised me, supported me, loved me, prayed for me all these years, is excited about my future. About my life and where it is going.

For those of you who don't know - one year ago, no one was excited about my future, not even me. What am I saying, especially not me! From where I was standing, I had no real future. I had no dreams. I had no aspirations. I was pulling myself through life day by day, hour by hour. My future was bleak. Barren. I may even go as far as saying my future would lead to death. (See Psalms 37:38 NLT) And I am sure it broke my dad's heart.

But now, and it brings tears to my eyes (unashamed crier if you don't know me) my dad's heart is no longer broken. It's joyful. It's excited. It's hopeful. For me. For my life.

My dad didn't stop there, though. He went on to tell me why he was excited about my future. "You are on a journey & you are seeing with His eyes & hearing with His ears & will be used in His ways 4 His best..." (He used an ellipse there - 3 character spaces. So it must be important! Or he knows that I oddly love ellipses - you know this if we have ever texted) There it was. My heavenly Father, the one who thought of me, created me, loves me with a passionate love, and sent His Son to die for me is excited about my future. About my life and where He is leading me.

More tears. I cry for all those lost years of living without hope, joy, or a promise of a bright future. I cry for all the hurt I caused my dad and family. I cry for the pain God felt when I turned my back on Him and rejected Him. I cry because I cannot take any of it back.

I struggled with these feelings for awhile after I restored my relationship with my heavenly Father. I thought I was too broken to fix. Too hopeless for a promising future. I thought it would be impossible to make up all my lost time. And during those terrible nights of feeling damaged beyond repair, God kept putting a verse on my heart. (Kind of a big deal since I had barely opened my Bible in years) It is a verse we all know well, but it has taken on a new meaning for me. A real, deep meaning.

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."    Jeremiah 29:11

No more tears, no more sadness. Despite my past and all the pain I felt and caused, I can hold on to this promise. A promise for hope and for good and for a future. My heavenly Father is excited about it! My earthly dad is excited about it! And I am excited about it!

Me & Daddy Now

Sunday, March 3, 2013

In His Image. A Reason to Celebrate.

"For if a man belongs to Christ, he is a new person. The old life is gone. New life has begun."                                                                                                      II Corinthians 5:17

Today is the day I celebrate the day of my birth, or you know my birthday as some people say. I am twenty-four years old (it doesn't look as scary if I type it out). 

For a long time I was impartial to birthdays - I never got overly excited and I didn't want others to get overly excited either. I thought it was a little selfish to want to celebrate myself. I guess my heart was [almost] in the right place. But as of late I have come to realize that I am completely worthy of celebration - not because of anything I have done, but because the God of all creation made me. And He made me in His image. 

Mind. Blown. No, seriously, just think about it for a second. You and I were made in the image of God. Of God! He is majestic. Beautiful. Creative. Powerful. Caring. He has emotions - I have emotions. He longs to love and be loved - I long to love and be loved. We were created by Him and for Him. Long before I was ever conceived, God knew me and He desired to be in a relationship with me. And then on March 3, 1989, He decided it was time to bring me into this amazing world.

And now, 24 (gulp) years later, I choose to celebrate my life because God celebrates my life! I am excited about my life because God is excited about my life! I am filled with joy and thankfulness that God thought of me and He formed me and He made me just the way I am. No mistakes. I am perfect in His sight. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus!

I would like to share parts of my life with you. This blog is my birthday present to myself! It comes down to this: I love Jesus, I love life and I love to write. So, why not write about my life and my love for Jesus? Sounds like a plan to me. 

And now it begins, the best year of my life. I live for Him because He died for me.


"Then Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God."
Ephesians 3:17-19